M1 Garand Rifle
1/16 scale
The M1 "Garand" was a semi-automatic service rifle designed in 1924, and adopted in 1936 in the United States by equipping all its infantry, with the exception of one man in each squad who used a bolt action rifle for precision shooting/sniping, so that the American infantry was the only fully equipped nation on earth with a semi-automatic rifle during the war.
General George Patton declared the M1 as "the greatest battle implement ever devised". In 1957, with the advent of NATO in the late '40s, the military's adoption of the 7.62x51mm cartridge, and the general issue box magazine fed rifles made the 30-06, clip fed M1 obsolete in the now-changing world of military service rifles.
It was replaced by the M14 in 1957, but saw frontline service until 1965, and is still used by the American military as a drill and ceremonial arm. The M1 Garand is widely regarded by firearms enthusiests, and historians as the greatest and most respected American service rifle of all time.
1/16 scale
The M1 "Garand" was a semi-automatic service rifle designed in 1924, and adopted in 1936 in the United States by equipping all its infantry, with the exception of one man in each squad who used a bolt action rifle for precision shooting/sniping, so that the American infantry was the only fully equipped nation on earth with a semi-automatic rifle during the war.
General George Patton declared the M1 as "the greatest battle implement ever devised". In 1957, with the advent of NATO in the late '40s, the military's adoption of the 7.62x51mm cartridge, and the general issue box magazine fed rifles made the 30-06, clip fed M1 obsolete in the now-changing world of military service rifles.
It was replaced by the M14 in 1957, but saw frontline service until 1965, and is still used by the American military as a drill and ceremonial arm. The M1 Garand is widely regarded by firearms enthusiests, and historians as the greatest and most respected American service rifle of all time.
Product Code: Ng2tKQm
Product Condition: New

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