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The German Gewehr 43 rifle (subsequently renamed the Karabiner 43) represented the culmination of wartime attempts to provide a self-loading rifle for the Wehrmacht. The design was based on that of the earlier G41, but incorporated an improved short-stroke piston gas system similar to that of the Soviet SVT-40. It was manufactured using innovative mass-production techniques.
When the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa, they weren’t prepared for a number of things. While the weather is often the aspect most historians point to, it would be ignorant to skip over the fact that the Red Army had equipped its troops with weapons that were much more advanced than those manned by the Wehrmacht. This prompted the Germans to develop the Gewehr 43, a semi-automatic rifle that far-exceeded its predecessors.
The model is printed and removed from sprue/supports before shipping. This model may require construction. Most models require no instructions as they are simple and obvious to build. For models requiring instructions, these can be found in the images of the ebay listing.